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Organize your Canvas with Sections

Sections, grouping, or some way to better organize the canvas has been one of the most common requests we’ve gotten so far, so we’re excited to release sections this week. Simply move any grid, chart, or text block into a section just by dragging it in.

Multiple spreadsheets with bubbles

Simplifying the editor experience

The other big change you’ll notice this week is a simpler UI for sorting, filtering, autofills, and other configurations. We originally had a lot of the UI in a panel on the right side of the canvas, but felt it was too disconnected from where the action was. We’ve redesigned how these menus work, and the ability to edit or configure them is right where they were created.

Other fixes and improvements

  • The footer row of a grid can now be fully hidden with a button
  • We’ve added the ability to screenshot your canvas with a click of the camera button
  • Released a new onboarding video
  • Fixed an issue with dates being formatted incorrectly by the $ button
  • Fixed an issue with autofills in import blocks
  • Fixed an issue with inserting rows breaking formula references
  • Made the hand tool button a toggle
  • Increased the size of the resize handle on grid dimensions
  • Fixed an issue with using formulas as the names of columns
  • Made it a single click to change the file name
  • Fixed an issue with swapping data sources in pie charts
  • Defaulting to editor mode instead of preview mode
  • Fixed an issue with row locking and inserting rows
  • Updated the export icons to be more consistent with other applications