Blog | Updates from the Subset team

Cover Image for Revolutionizing Fitness Coaching: The Ultimate Client Fitness Template
Cover Image for Create a Net Present Value Spreadsheet

Create a Net Present Value Spreadsheet

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Splitting Bills Proportionally According to Income

Splitting Bills Proportionally According to Income

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for The First Real Estate Analysis You Should Run

The First Real Estate Analysis You Should Run

Figuring out if a real estate deal is worth it or not is the first step in investing. Here's a simple model for analyzing real estate investments.

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for OpenAI Pricing Calculator

OpenAI Pricing Calculator

Free calculator to compare pricing between different LLMs based on prompt size

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Free CSM Trackers

Free CSM Trackers

How to manage your customers

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Are spreadsheets a true programming language?

Are spreadsheets a true programming language?

Are spreadsheets a programming language if they often need low code solutions to fill the gap between it and software? If spreadsheets are considered a programming language, then it’s the most unique one of them all.

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for How to use spreadsheets for budgeting and financial planning

How to use spreadsheets for budgeting and financial planning

A walkthrough of how to create an easy budget

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheets on a canvas

Spreadsheets on a canvas

Separating the data grid from the UI grid

Avatar image for AJ Nandi
AJ Nandi
Cover Image for 5 Spreadsheets Students Need to Succeed

5 Spreadsheets Students Need to Succeed

The most important metrics for students

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Building abstractions on spreadsheets

Building abstractions on spreadsheets

The cost of flexibility and potential solutions

Avatar image for AJ Nandi
AJ Nandi
Cover Image for The Only Spreadsheet to Evaluate a Real Estate Investment

The Only Spreadsheet to Evaluate a Real Estate Investment

Cap Rate and Cash on Cash Yield

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheet Fundamentals

Spreadsheet Fundamentals

Lessons for spreadsheet beginners

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Real Estate Cost Basis Spreadsheet

Real Estate Cost Basis Spreadsheet

Keep track of your home improvements in a spreadsheet

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for The History of Spreadsheets

The History of Spreadsheets

From Visicalc to Excel to Subset

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheet Fundamentals 6: Spreadsheets Meet Coding

Spreadsheet Fundamentals 6: Spreadsheets Meet Coding

How to use IF functions

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for How to use the OFFSET function

How to use the OFFSET function

Level up your modeling skills by using the OFFSET function in your spreadsheets

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Avoid hiding columns and rows in a spreadsheet

Avoid hiding columns and rows in a spreadsheet

Hidden rows and columns add confusion

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for How to extract a word in Excel using a formula?

How to extract a word in Excel using a formula?

Splitting a text string at a specific character

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheet Fundamentals 5:  Number Formatting Shortcuts

Spreadsheet Fundamentals 5: Number Formatting Shortcuts

Number formats for 90% of your work

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Should you buy or lease a car?

Should you buy or lease a car?

How to build a spreadsheet calculator

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Real Estate Monthly Payment Calculator

Real Estate Monthly Payment Calculator

Free template to calculate how much your monthly home payments are

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for How to Build a GPA Calculator

How to Build a GPA Calculator

Stay on top of GPA with a spreadsheet

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Real Estate Loan Calculator with Amortization (free template)

Real Estate Loan Calculator with Amortization (free template)

How to calculate total interest payment for a loan

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for How we realized we were overspending on software

How we realized we were overspending on software

Quickbooks analysis to manage software spend

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Why you should never merge cells in spreadsheets

Why you should never merge cells in spreadsheets

Never merge cells in spreadsheets

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for How cell reference locking works

How cell reference locking works

The dollar signs you see in Excel formulas

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for How to split a bill using a spreadsheet

How to split a bill using a spreadsheet

Step by step instructions on how to build a bill splitter in a spreadsheet

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheet Fundamentals 4: Writing Formulas

Spreadsheet Fundamentals 4: Writing Formulas

Writing more advanced spreadsheet formulas

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for The Problem With Most Apps

The Problem With Most Apps

CRUD App vs Spreadsheets when it comes to loan calculator apps

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheet Fundamentals 3: Formatting

Spreadsheet Fundamentals 3: Formatting

Formatting a Spreadsheet 100x Faster with formatting skills

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheet Fundamentals 2: Auditing Cells

Spreadsheet Fundamentals 2: Auditing Cells

Auditing and Editing Cells with shortcuts in a Spreadsheet

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Coinbase Cost Basis Excel Template

Coinbase Cost Basis Excel Template

Coinbase Cost basis analysis in Excel

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Time Series

Time Series

How to work with time series in a spreadsheet

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Spreadsheet Fundamentals 1:

Spreadsheet Fundamentals 1:

Universal shortcuts, navigation shortcuts, and accelerator keys in Excel

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Where are all the (online) spreadsheets?

Where are all the (online) spreadsheets?

Show me the spreadsheets! How you can find spreadsheet templates online

Avatar image for Jason Chan
Jason Chan
Cover Image for Excel 2.0

Excel 2.0

The spreadsheet of the future

Avatar image for AJ Nandi
AJ Nandi